Monday, October 22, 2007

Individualism And Virtue In The Divine Microeconomy Theory.

The key to all things is balance or 'moderation in all things.' And so it is with individualism.

The essence of individualism is the subjective nature of each and every human being. Undeniably and unalterably we are all individuals and we have God-given rights to be individuals.

But we are that and more. We are unfathomably complex which means that to de-emphasize the other magnificient aspects of ourselves is not just. It is not just to others and it is not just to ourselves. Balancing and polishing all of the human virtues takes a supreme exercise of individualism. Noone but you can mine your gems. Noone but you can polish your gems. Focusing or channeling your individualism towards the mastery of your own wealth of virtues not only completely satisfies the inherent urge for individualism but it also protects the human rights (property rights) of others.

This balanced approach to individualism guarantees peace and liberty. It also serves as an underlying force (cause) leading to an ever-advancing civilization (effect).

Saturday, September 08, 2007

The Structure of Individual Prosperity in the Divine Microeconomy Theory.

I think that most people would associate 'freedom' with an exhilarating yet serene feeling associated with an unconstrained existence. This is perceptually accurate, not to be confused with a tangible unconstrained existence because tangible unconstrained existence, as a universal freedom, is impossible in a world with more than one person.

The point that I am making is that freedom has structure and therefore prosperity has structure. Having structure is not a negative (it is not constraining) as along as it is natural, that is, as long as the structure is not made artificial by intervention for purposes of coercion.

The natural structure of freedom supports the structure of individual prosperity. Humans are subjective with the freedom to see the world from their own perspective. Humans have logic which enables them to see cause and effect which, in turn, leads to the freedom to choose means and the freedom to choose ends. This is the structure of freedom.

With this structure of freedom in place prosperity follows. Divine microeconomy theory delves deeply into this subject and the structure of individual prosperity can be seen up close and personal in the Divine Microeconomy Model ©. All value and all wealth and therefore all prosperity are ultimately built upon this structure.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Divine Microeconomy Theory As A Litmus Test.

How can we tell if someone knows (understands) how the economy works? If the person refers to the economic actions of individuals and then attributes their behavior to striving for excellence and the acquisition of virtues then they pass the litmus test. Even if this is not specifically referred to, but implied, then there is evidence of economic understanding.

By definition, a litmus test is a test in which a single factor determines the outcome. To have a single factor as a determinant is a tremendous tool for analysis. It turns out that all of the economic commentary about how the microeconomy works, whether made verbally or in written form, whether presented in an academic medium or pronounced to be true in the popular media, can be tested easily.

Value and wealth only have meaning and the human institution of the economy only exists because we are human. Without humans these (value, wealth, and economy) would be irrelevant!

Value and wealth are inseparable from the attributes of God that we call virtues. We buy because of the prospect of more beauty, power, peace, justice, mercy, contentment, strength, love, etc. I highlighted the word 'more' because it demonstrates the inherent striving for excellence that is part of the human operating system. These are what we value and acquisition of these in all the various forms constitutes our wealth. The economy is the institution that encompasses all of the actions related to these human functions.

Any economic pronouncement that takes the stance that there is no connection between the economy and the ethical foundation of human action fails the litmus test. Quickly such pronouncements can be relegated to the dustbin of economic quackery.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Individual Prosperity According To The Divine Microeconomy Theory.

To begin let us place value and wealth in juxtaposition to each other. They are not the same but they are related to each other.

Wealth is the attainment of things that have value. And what makes things valuable is that they confer wealth.

According to the divine microeconomy theory the origin of value can be traced to the manifestation of the virtues or the names of God in things, that is, in things that are ideal and/or material.

So it is that prosperity is the freedom to be exposed to ideal and material things that manifest the names of God and prosperity is the freedom to acquire those ideal and material things that manifest the names of God.

The necessary condition of prosperity is freedom. The necessary condition of value is for the 'thing' to possess the quality of an array of inherent virtues. The necessary condition for wealth is acquisition of those 'things' that have value.

Individual prosperity has to do, ultimately, with connecting oneself to the names of God such as mercy, grace, might, joy, etc. Of course the freedom inherent in the divine economy theory is conducive to prosperity whereas intervention disrupts the freedom underlying prosperity.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Trustworthiness And Divine Microeconomy Theory!

It is by this assurance that human endeavor moves forward. It is a quality that guarantees recompense. Trustworthiness is therefore a key for the door to prosperity.

Although it is an inherent human attribute, like all virtues, its manifestation is acquired through education. If you know how the economy works, undeniably it rests upon trust. Exchange and cooperation depend upon confidence in the trustworthiness of each other.

If you look at societies that are breaking down it is because their structure has lost its foundation of trustworthiness. My next entry in the divine economy blog will examine trustworthiness at the macro level.

At the micro level - the divine microeconomy - we see trustworthiness as a vital aspect of the human spirit. It exists in various degrees of latency and is turned into an active state through education. This education may or may not come from a formal system of instruction but it definitely comes from interacting with others in the market process.

Its highest form of expression is when it is practiced while engaging in the economic processes of life, and while at the same time actively trying to connect the underlying motive with ethics. As described in ETHICS of the Divine Economy, even though decisions or actions are obviously strongly related to 'the means' there is never separation from 'the ends.'

At this stage in the development of the science of economics the whole human reality is now the subject of exploration, not just the intellective. Hence, divine microeconomy theory delves into the realm of the virtues - the attributes of God - and finds the origin of all value.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Divine Economy Theory Is More Profound Than You Think!

What began as an extension of classical liberalism in a direction that went significantly farther than laissez-faire has now become a comprehensive scientific economic theory. The initial proof was to demonstrate that any and all meddling with the economy would be counterproductive due to the immense complexity of the economy. To illustrate the concepts I developed the Divine Economy Model © which, effectively, launched the divine economy theory.

Then I developed a model that would represent human action at the level of each individual. The Divine Microeconomy Model © went deep to look at the spark igniting action. It turns out what catches the attention of humans and then what conveys the value that underlies the resulting human action is most easily described as the names and attributes of God.

This discovery brought the divine economy theory to a threshold, a threshold which required a new understanding of ethics. I applied the subjective methodology again and found a way to represent ethics in a model form - the Model of the Ethics of the Divine Economy ©.

Despite these marvelous advances in economic science and ethics we are currently only in the very early stages of this new economic theory. The potential of the divine economy theory is far greater than we can even imagine. I will give you an example for you to ponder.

The source of all value has been discovered to be the names and attributes of God. That is what attracts and that is what is conveyed. These names and attributes are also known as virtues. For instance, beauty attracts our attention and so producers also try to incorporate beauty into their products.

It turns out that these virtues are more than the qualities expressed. Since they are aspects and reflections of God they are treasures of the mysteries and knowledge of God. As humans develop in the centuries ahead they will become more attuned to this tremendous potential that is readily and bountifully available to each human at all times.

If you follow what I am saying you will understand why the beginning of the divine economy theory is wonderful but what is really wonderful is where it will take us!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Divine Microeconomy Theory Sparked Ethics Renewal.

When I delved into the divine economy theory at the level of the individual I found how the origin of all value comes from the appearance of the names and attributes of God. There was, nowhere in economic science, any avenue for continued exploration along these lines.

What became clear was that the science of economics, in an effort to be 'objective' and specialized, instituted certain boundaries. In effect it institutionalized a rigidity which has, up until now, prevented the science from even trying to extend into these areas. To do so was regarded as 'unscientific.'

Guess what, I am willing and able to prove the scientific basis of the divine economy theory, toe to toe, with any economist of any persuasion. Likewise anyone can investigate for themselves the sound and profound economic science underlying the divine economy theory by reading my books or blog entries.

These artificially constraining boundaries that crept into economics could not contain the science that was newly advancing and so I had to go to the core of the problem for a solution. The core was the origin of value! The origin of value is inseparable from the appearance of the names and attributes of God, hence, economics is inseparable from ethics.

This required a rediscovery of the importance of ethics which then lead to the discovery of its cyclical nature and then to the discovery of the power and necessity of the mutual unfoldment of economics and ethics.

Ethics is renewed in this day and so is economics! No more collecting of dust on the shelves of the libraries as obscure and irrelevant verbage or even worse - equations! Fresh air and the light of day is now the milieu of economics and ethics!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Divine Microeconomy Theory Is About To Encompass Ethics Too!

These are exciting days for me because I am very close to completing my newest book in the series on the divine economy. I will be finished no later than May 2nd and I will publish it as an ebook immediately thereafter.

This is a book that will revolutionize all approaches to science, most specifically economic and ethical science. It also revolutionizes philosophy and the view of the indispensable role of religion as it unfolds throughout human history.

Divine economy theory is one step closer to being complete. In this new book there is plenty of new thought and there is also plenty of thought that supports and expands the concepts of the Divine Economy Model © and the Divine Microeconomy Model ©.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Divine Microeconomy Has A Threshold Of Purity.

When there is intervention individuals suffer directly and indirectly. The indirect consequences of intervention have much to do with the misbehavior of individuals because of the distorted incentives that emanate from the corruption associated with all types and degrees of intervention.

There is a limit to the parasitism of intervention since the source of all value is the appearance of the attributes and names of God. When the chaos and distortions of intervention get severe enough for the individual to finally seek real value, then corrections are made. Instead of following a chimera masquerading as something valuable individuals return to their real quest and seek out the names and attributes of God wherever and however they manifest themselves.

In other words, there is a threshold of purity that is impenetrable at the microlevel of the economy which maintains reality (despite all of the efforts by ego-driven interventionists). The reality is that humans are divine in nature and that the economy is a divine institution, a perfect channel of the grace of God.

Intervention can only bring about injustices.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Divine Microeconomy Is Invaded By Politicians.

What was discovered in the divine economy theory, when applied at the individual level, was that the source of all value comes from the appearance of one or more of the attributes of God. And also, whatever is produced by an individual that has value is an expression of one or more of the names or attributes of God.

Products attract us because they increase our satisfaction, they help us in our quest. Likewise, our contribution to the division of labor in some way does the same for others.

Look at what happens in a world that upholds property rights. In a system where property rights are honored and secured the product fulfills its integrity, and yet it may or may not fulfill what we imagined as its potential. As long as the product upholds its integrity the principle of trustworthiness remains intact.

If lies are used to persuade, immediately trustworthiness is torn away from normal and ethical human association. This is the method and means of the politician at all levels: local, regional, national and international.

Because of the distorted contemporary world condition the politicians have clout and their corrupting influence affects almost all facets of economic life. They and their untruthfulness and confiscatory actions encourage the same favor-seeking behavior from others.

Trustworthiness, which is the major building block of civilization, is continually weakened by the invasion of politicians into more and more aspects of human affairs. Why don't people demand that the politicians speak the truth and stop treating the property of others as if it is under their control?

As an economic consultant I affirm that one major prescription - to heal the divine economy - is to hold all politicians accountable. If they promise something that does not even belong to them then they need to be held accountable and charged with theft. If they say things that are not true then the media has the responsibility to expose the falsity of their claims.

When we create an environment that encourages trustworthiness we will have prosperity and an ever-advancing civilization.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Art And Science Of The Divine Microeconomy!

It might be that the art and science of economics has never found expression together until now! One thing is for sure, there is now a very real and beautiful example of the art and science of economics - the Divine Microeconomy Model ©.

It is interesting to see the potentials of each of the virtues planes. It is fascinating to see how the virtues planes form out of the skeletal identities of the divine economy theory.

The infinite possibilities of interactions within and across the virtues planes, triggered by entrepreneurial keenness, testify to the dynamic nature of the model.

There is nothing like it out there in the economic literature. If you are someone that appreciates art and science then you will find in DIVINE MICROECONOMY - A Tapestry of Human Virtues economics that is absolutely thrilling!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Divine Microeconomy Theory Uses Virtues Planes.

When an artist desires to convey his or her impression onto a canvas, first the frame with the outstretched fabric has to be constructed. It is on this canvas where the impressions will become visible.

So it is in the divine economy theory at the microlevel. The Divine Microeconomy Model © is like the frame and the fabric. Even though the application of the virtues is arbitrary yet it is rational just as the application of paint using various strokes by the artist is rational and arbitrary. This is one facet of the art of economics.

The science of economics probes interconnectivity and discovers relationships. Divine microeconomic theory explores the complexities of how each virtue is both a means and an ends.

Here is the monumental discovery of divine economy theory at the microlevel - all value originates from appearance of the virtues!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Divine Microeconomy Theory And Ethics Theory.

I am currerntly writing my third book and it is about ethics. This is the reason why I haven't been able to write blog entries very often.

Here is a discovery that I made in the process of researching and writing my book on ethics (hopefully to be published in May, 2007). The relationship between ethics at the macro level (an ethics code) and ethics at the micro level is seamless. I know it seems to be intuitively true but I go into detail and I approach the subject in a unique way, a way that honors human spirituality.

This parallels the analysis that I wrote about in Divine Microeconomy: A Tapestry of Human Virtues.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Divine Microeconomy Theory Began in the 14th Century!

This will be a brief blog entry but it does not need to be lengthy. As far I can tell the first person to postulate and go into detail about how the divine economy operates at the level of the individual was Sant' Antonio of Florence (1389-1459).

Sant' Antonio was a significant contributor to economic theory along with the other contributors during the Late Scholastic period. He took the abstract principles of theology and ethics and applied them to the detailed empirical data of daily life.

It is an honor to revive such a meaningful postulate. Unnamed before, this theoretical effort is now referred to as divine microeconomy theory!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Divine Microeconomy Theory And Gold.

This will be a rather brief blog entry. This is because: a thorough understanding of gold at the microeconomic level requires a breakthrough in economic theory since gold lies at the cusp. What I mean to say is that a more illuminating analysis lies in potential and will be presented at a later date, once the divine economy theory is expanded to encompass the realm of ethics. That is the exploration of my third book.

For the time being, gold represents a standard of purity that is trusted by everyone. Every encounter with this gold standard tests the trustworthiness of those in the mix. If a thought emerges to alter its purity, by altering the value in some manner, then the test is ultimately a test of character. It serves as an alarm. It, therefore, provides an anchor for the human conscience.

Those who have a character too weak will error and be discovered. The market process eventually finds this error because someone will lose property. These individuals with flawed character are in need of counseling. They need to develop their character so they can function in a way that protects property rights and human rights.

So what we see is this: gold allows trust and trustworthiness to flourish and it also serves as an indicator. It indicates which individuals need education and care so that they can become trustworthy. At the macro level the gold standard indicates which institutions are untrustworthy.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Divine Economy Theory - Empirical Without Empiricism!

Divine economy theory is not limited; it is not exclusive of logic and theory. Nevertheless, it does find empirical expression in the real world actions by human beings.

Some of the knowledge in divine economy theory comes from experience, information gathered particularly from sensory observation, but that does not mean that the complexity of human beings is condensed into pieces of data - which is what empiricism does. Empiricism is a variant of atheism, as it is used in the social sciences. We've gone down the road of empiricism and it leads to the land of nonsense!

One of the great weaknesses of empiricism is the setting of artificial limitations on the human reality. A simple example will suffice: a photograph of your loved one is more valuable than the chemicals and paper making it up, and it is more valuable than a photograph of the exact same setting taken of people that you do not know. To claim the right to quantify these distinctions is arrogant and erroneous. This great weakness renders empiricism void in the social sciences.

That does not mean that experiences are not real or valid! Empirical information contributes a great deal to our knowledge and provides points of inspiration that advance theory and stimulate our logic.

For instance, if a business owner has a character flaw that is jeopardizing the success of the business, say an uncooperative attitude, and then decides to make changes there will be favorable real world consequences. These are qualitatively measurable. These are documentable and repeatable. Advice can be given to others based on this empirical information.

In this day and age economic science is mostly irrelevant because it is sunk in the atheism and darkness of empiricism.

Divine economy theory is a viable, beautiful, and exciting alternative!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Divine Microeconomy - Occupational Survey Of Valuable Virtues

To begin the process of analysis I have published on my website a brief survey of five questions. According to divine economy theory the source of all value comes from the appearance of the names and attributes of God in goods and services.

To begin: gathering this type of information, that is specific to each occupation and profession, will lead to a greater understanding. When this kind of knowledge, which is the source of value itself, enters into the market process those skills and qualities deemed as most highly valued will inspire further refinement.

Granted this exercise is in an elementary stage and will need to be refined over time. Nevertheless it is important, and unquestionably, it will be a new avenue of research in the future. Such research will yield many marvelous fruits. All of the observations and discoveries made will advance the science of the divine economy.

Friday, January 05, 2007

New Application of the Divine Microeconomy Theory!

Each profession or occupation requires certain skills and qualities. This divine microeconomy blog will occasionally feature a specific profession or occupation, and outline the skills and qualities used to make effective their service rendered.

When this featured series is the blog topic, I will examine the root or radicle of those highly-valued qualities and attributes and pose some questions that may, then, stimulate refinement and perfection. Perhaps this new understanding and these new practices will lead to an increase in wealth and prosperity for the individual providing that service, and subsequently, for all of us.