Friday, July 27, 2007

Individual Prosperity According To The Divine Microeconomy Theory.

To begin let us place value and wealth in juxtaposition to each other. They are not the same but they are related to each other.

Wealth is the attainment of things that have value. And what makes things valuable is that they confer wealth.

According to the divine microeconomy theory the origin of value can be traced to the manifestation of the virtues or the names of God in things, that is, in things that are ideal and/or material.

So it is that prosperity is the freedom to be exposed to ideal and material things that manifest the names of God and prosperity is the freedom to acquire those ideal and material things that manifest the names of God.

The necessary condition of prosperity is freedom. The necessary condition of value is for the 'thing' to possess the quality of an array of inherent virtues. The necessary condition for wealth is acquisition of those 'things' that have value.

Individual prosperity has to do, ultimately, with connecting oneself to the names of God such as mercy, grace, might, joy, etc. Of course the freedom inherent in the divine economy theory is conducive to prosperity whereas intervention disrupts the freedom underlying prosperity.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Trustworthiness And Divine Microeconomy Theory!

It is by this assurance that human endeavor moves forward. It is a quality that guarantees recompense. Trustworthiness is therefore a key for the door to prosperity.

Although it is an inherent human attribute, like all virtues, its manifestation is acquired through education. If you know how the economy works, undeniably it rests upon trust. Exchange and cooperation depend upon confidence in the trustworthiness of each other.

If you look at societies that are breaking down it is because their structure has lost its foundation of trustworthiness. My next entry in the divine economy blog will examine trustworthiness at the macro level.

At the micro level - the divine microeconomy - we see trustworthiness as a vital aspect of the human spirit. It exists in various degrees of latency and is turned into an active state through education. This education may or may not come from a formal system of instruction but it definitely comes from interacting with others in the market process.

Its highest form of expression is when it is practiced while engaging in the economic processes of life, and while at the same time actively trying to connect the underlying motive with ethics. As described in ETHICS of the Divine Economy, even though decisions or actions are obviously strongly related to 'the means' there is never separation from 'the ends.'

At this stage in the development of the science of economics the whole human reality is now the subject of exploration, not just the intellective. Hence, divine microeconomy theory delves into the realm of the virtues - the attributes of God - and finds the origin of all value.