Sunday, November 02, 2008

Being Debt Free Makes Detachment Easier!

What is the real reason humans aspire to be debt free? Is it to unbind the shackling effect of debt? Is it to have the freedom to pursue one’s goals without any impositions by others?

With regards the independent investigation of truth it is fairly easy to recognize the potential consequences of being indebted to someone else. Maybe there are constraints that limit the possible avenues of exploration, depriving you of that opportunity and thereby lessening your powers of discernment.

Consider the difference between an entrepreneur with capital and an entrepreneur without capital. Regardless of the quality of the entrepreneurial discovery there are significantly greater restrictions once debt enters into the picture.

Now consider leisure! The burden on the soul, of debt, is very clear. Consider when a person cannot pursue their highest desires because of a mutually agreed upon contract that channels their human resources towards debt, in lieu of leisure.

Freed from debt, these circumstances change. Freed from debt a person can independently investigate the truth. Freed from debt a person can pursue their highest desires.

Now what about detachment? It is no coincidence that the human aspiration ultimately is towards the investigation of truth and the pursuit of their highest desires. That is an essential quality of being human. It is therefore a part of natural law!

The question then becomes, “What is real?” The spiritual reality of human beings is real. The physical reality of human beings is an objectification of the spiritual reality. Within this framework each person discovers his or her purpose.

Detachment is a relative condition related to each person’s purpose. The greater the detachment the more willing the individual is to find the spiritual meaning behind all of their God-given gifts.

Being debt free makes detachment easier! And so there is a natural tendency for humans to become debt free unless they are indoctrinated by ego-driven interventionists or ego-driven interpreters instead of being educated in the true sense of the word.

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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Seeking Wealth? Here Is The Best Means.

The best means, if you are seeking wealth, is the independent investigation of truth.

First we need to find a common understanding of wealth. Having oodles of cash does not necessarily mean that you are wealthy. Having oodles of caring and loving friends even though you struggle to make ends meet may mean that you are very wealthy.

If an individual has vast ‘wealth’ as close as his (her) life vein but is not really aware of it, probably that individual will be poor even if there are stacks and stacks of money and assets readily available for multitudinous uses. What could it be that is that close and that valuable. The answer is the human reality.

Humans are empowered with the ability to search for the truth and because each individual is unique that search is fully exercised and expressed only when it is unencumbered, that is, when it is independent. Who else can investigate the truth for you? Without it being your search it can never fulfill your uniqueness.

That is step one - know yourself.

Can you imagine ever searching without there being questions? Questions and searching go hand in hand. No one knows your questions! No one can pursue the search that is uniquely yours!

So let’s start with what we know is wealth since that is what we are seeking. Having caring and loving friends is wealth! We recognize, then, that to care and to love is also wealth. We have identified aspects of wealth that do not even require any worldly status such as inheritance, prestigious occupation, etc.

Therefore search for wealth by finding the human virtues that enrich yourself and others. Your potential to reflect your unique array of virtues constitutes your true wealth because that constitutes your unique human reality. Rest assured, the objectification of your ‘spiritual’ wealth will translate into 'wealth' - as most people define it!

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Recommended Requirement For MBA Candidates.

When the next generation of business leaders finish their education will we be able to feel confident that their efforts will make the world a better place? Education is not just learning techniques and maneuvers. There is a caveat: education can be an indoctrination.

It is the responsibility of those with vision to inject principles and sound theory into the education system to counterbalance hollow strategies designed without the essence of the human spirit included. Likewise our duty is to make sure that fallacious doctrines are at least laid out next to alternatives in a point/counterpoint fashion in the hope that logic will prevail.

A first step towards improving all MBA programs is to require each candidate to read and study these two books:

Foundations of the Price System by Milton Shapiro

“The complexities and sophistication required to sustain and advance civilization have removed man so far from wilderness existence that the direct, clear dictates of nature are obscured from his view. Thus, while we unquestionably live so much better than our primitive ancestors, too often we don’t really know why!”
- Milton Shapiro

This is a book that every business person will want to read over and over throughout his or her career because this book is like a tool and everyone knows that a skilled practitioner cannot do the job right without his tools and also becomes very proficient with the tool the more it is used.

Divine Microeconomy: A Tapestry of Human Virtues by Bruce Koerber

“How can it be regarded as satisfactory to have economic theory that does not fully comprehend human nature or serve humanity? Until there is such a theory it can be said that economics still is in its infancy.
Until economic theory achieves that pinnacle it will continue to be inadequate. Everyone will suffer. However, once that pinnacle is attained it will be like the monumental difference that occurred in medical science after the acceptance of germ theory compared with before.
Once that important threshold is reached, new vistas will open up. Try to imagine the difference! In economics it will be like the difference between being considered ‘the dismal science’ and being considered the science of human action, and even more monumental, being considered the science of purposeful action by spiritual beings!” - - Bruce Koerber

Once the business person realizes where all value comes from and how to create things of value then mastery of the entrepreneurial spirit in conjunction with capital will lead to great advances. Then, as it is now, it will be the rightful honor of these business persons to be recognized as the benefactors of mankind.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Divine Microeconomy Theory Is MORE THAN LAISSEZ-FAIRE, too!

There is no doubt about it! It is from the Divine Economy Model © that the Divine Microeconomy Model © springs. The Divine Microeconomy Theory is an offspring of the Divine Economy Theory.

Ground yourself and begin the exploration of this new economic theory by reading MORE THAN LAISSEZ-FAIRE.

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The Essence of the Divine Microeconomy Theory

What is our reality? We are the reflections of the names and attributes of God that we have acquired and are acquiring. These are very valuable and attractive, irresistibly so. Human perception is keenly oriented towards these names and attributes of God whether they appear in other humans or whether they are inherent in material things or ideal, intangible things.

It turns out that this is the origin of all value and it is inseparable from the God-given ability of humans to perceive. This is the essence of the divine microeconomy theory.