Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Art And Science Of The Divine Microeconomy!

It might be that the art and science of economics has never found expression together until now! One thing is for sure, there is now a very real and beautiful example of the art and science of economics - the Divine Microeconomy Model ©.

It is interesting to see the potentials of each of the virtues planes. It is fascinating to see how the virtues planes form out of the skeletal identities of the divine economy theory.

The infinite possibilities of interactions within and across the virtues planes, triggered by entrepreneurial keenness, testify to the dynamic nature of the model.

There is nothing like it out there in the economic literature. If you are someone that appreciates art and science then you will find in DIVINE MICROECONOMY - A Tapestry of Human Virtues economics that is absolutely thrilling!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Divine Microeconomy Theory Uses Virtues Planes.

When an artist desires to convey his or her impression onto a canvas, first the frame with the outstretched fabric has to be constructed. It is on this canvas where the impressions will become visible.

So it is in the divine economy theory at the microlevel. The Divine Microeconomy Model © is like the frame and the fabric. Even though the application of the virtues is arbitrary yet it is rational just as the application of paint using various strokes by the artist is rational and arbitrary. This is one facet of the art of economics.

The science of economics probes interconnectivity and discovers relationships. Divine microeconomic theory explores the complexities of how each virtue is both a means and an ends.

Here is the monumental discovery of divine economy theory at the microlevel - all value originates from appearance of the virtues!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Divine Microeconomy Theory And Ethics Theory.

I am currerntly writing my third book and it is about ethics. This is the reason why I haven't been able to write blog entries very often.

Here is a discovery that I made in the process of researching and writing my book on ethics (hopefully to be published in May, 2007). The relationship between ethics at the macro level (an ethics code) and ethics at the micro level is seamless. I know it seems to be intuitively true but I go into detail and I approach the subject in a unique way, a way that honors human spirituality.

This parallels the analysis that I wrote about in Divine Microeconomy: A Tapestry of Human Virtues.