Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Divine Microeconomy and India.

Unabashedly I call out to India for two main reasons: it is basically English-speaking and because it has a rich spiritual foundation.

My books, DIVINE ECONOMY And Its Real World Economic Principles and DIVINE MICROECONOMY - A Tapestry of Human Virtues, are written in the only language that I know and that happens to be English.

For social change to occur there has to be movement of a critical mass and so I have identified India as a potentially important catalyst. Since the divine economy theory is in English and since the majority of people in India can read English there is a latent potential there. With the large population of India there is also the possibility of the presence of a critical mass.

India represents a powerful catalyst in a state of latency until there is an emergence of the cry for the justice of the divine economy theory. This potency is exceptional since India has a culture that has strong ties to spirituality. The people of India will be thrilled and find great delight from the discovery that it is the attributes of God that can scientifically be proven to originate all value. They will readily recognize that spiritual practices bring prosperity inwardly and outwardly!

Please hear my call, India, to be the catalyst that the world needs to free itself from the shackles of interventionism. Be the catalyst by learning about the divine economy theory and implementing it.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Interventionism Even Penetrates The Divine Microeconomy.

Let's look at how interventionism penetrates the economy to its core, which is - each and every one of us. The act of intervention at the macro level sooner or later affects and alters the market process in a way that prevents the accretion of value in the economic system.

Each act of intervention distorts the message communicated via the language of the economy. It is difficult to discuss a single cause and effect because of the cumulative nature of interventionism. Consequently the effect is best seen as a cumulative response.

For example, greed is a cumulative response that becomes manifest once a behavior becomes recurrent. If that behavior is done only once, the one and only expression of that tendency may be simply a selfish choice. A selfish choice is not far removed (in fact it is merely a subjective act) from a normal human behavior.

Now superimpose on this tendency the cumulative effects of interventionism, for example, the change of purchasing power that results from inflating the money supply. Pushed to get it now since the purchasing power is going to decline also pushes the individual to skew towards a negative expression, namely greed, of an inherently neutral human quality.

This is only a brief and introductory exposition about how intervention not only corrupts the divine economy but it also corrupts the divine microeconomy!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Materialism, Recession, And The Divine Microeconomy.

It is very difficult to identify what is the cause and what is the effect. Has materialism come about because economic science was void of a spiritual basis; or has economic science developed void of a spiritual basis because humanity was afflicted by materialism?

One outcome of materialism and a science that is confined to the constraints of materialism is intervention. Intervention is the manipulation of the economy by an entity with some degree of coersive power. Its purpose is to direct the economy. Only an ego that is inflated can assume to know what is best for everyone. If the interconnectedness of everyone is not understood then combine economic ignorance with an inflated ego as part of interventionism.

The application of short-sighted and limited knowledge upon a divine institution such as the economy has repercussions. One of the most spoken about repercussions is recession but beware, because the cause and cure spoken about is given from the perspective of materialism and/or economic science that is void of a spiritual basis.

Divine economy theory seamlessly blends the economy at the micro and macro level. This 'ego' that I spoke of is harmful at the micro and the macro level. It is the ego which prevents the continual refinement of the virtues which then prevents the accretion of value in the economic system. And the 'ego' at the macro level corrupts the divine economy bringing afflictions such as recession.

Monday, September 04, 2006

The Ever-Advancing Divine Microeconomy!

We humans are always seeking refinement. Case in point is my effort to continually improve the presentation of the divine microeconomy. For instance, I am beginning to introduce graphics to facilitate understanding.

The word 'cumulative' describes the state of knowledge of each individual at every point in time.

If there is a failure in the type of knowledge that is acquired, that is not the fault of economics, but rather it is more accurate to ascribe such a failure to religion.

The divine nature of human beings, driven mostly by the spiritual and intellectual powers, makes inherent the condition of being a 'seeker.' The One sought will be sought in the dust if it cannot be found in the heavens! Materialism is the outcome.

But once the secret is known - that the source of all wealth is the acquisition of the attributes of God - the sum of the whole will always be getting greater. This is represented in a diagram called the Maturity of Mankind.

The higher ideals and values are expressed at the microeconomy level by refinements in human character. These refinements are virtues that attract the seeker (fellow humans) because those virtues are highly valued. In fact these virtues are the source of value, or at least its first appearance in the realm that economic science can reach.