Friday, October 06, 2006

Divine Microeconomy Methodology Replaces Fallacious Empiricism.

The reason we are now entering a new era in economic science is because the divine economy theory is capable of bridging economic science and religion. And although the divine economy theory is groundbreaking, nevertheless it rests upon the firm foundation of classical liberalism which has roots going back to the sixteenth century and perhaps even further back, all the way to the thirteenth century.

Despite this long-standing tradition of economic thought, which is distinguished by its methodology, most of contemporary economics ignores the method and the contributions of classical liberal thinkers. This is not a mere accident, it is intentional.

In a nutshell, the origin of economic empiricism comes from 'physics envy.' Early social scientists tried be recognized as scientific by imitating the methodology of the natural sciences. We are talking about the mid-1800's. Not coincidentally this is when the world political theatre took on the character of a power grab. Emerging on a scale never seen before in history were the ego-driven interventionists. Those who could justify this intervention were granted a portion of the dominion - thus enters the 'professional' economist with all their accompanying empirical economic tools.

Thankfully the divine economy theory destroys all the fallacies of empiricism. First of all it uses subjectivism as its methodology. In other words humans are allowed to exist as real and acting and sentient beings rather than as points of data.

And the most important new discovery that comes from the divine economy theory is that all value comes, directly or indirectly, from the appearance of the attributes of God in the form of purposeful human action. It is fallacious to imagine that value comes from government or from any of the intervention devised by the ego-driven interventionists or their cohorts serving as economic advisors.

This combination of the subjective methodology of classical liberalism and the new discoveries found in the divine economy theory turns contemporary economic literature and the 'economic profession' upside down.

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