Monday, October 28, 2013

Rational Self-Interest Leads To The Well-Being Of All.

Because human beings know things that are physical and know things that are spiritual both are seen as realities. Interestingly, as the lower aspirations – which tend to be physical needs – are fulfilled higher aspirations are sought. The higher aspirations like love, loyalty, and friendship are not physical things; nevertheless they are the realities, the realities of human beings who are in a state of higher aspirations.

Methodological dualism defines the seemingly insurmountable bridge between “the external world of physical, chemical and physiological phenomena and the internal world of thought, feeling, valuation and purposeful action.” [Mises in Human Action, Fourth Revised Edition (San Francisco: Fox & Wilkes, 1996), p. 18] The cusp of social sciences is always near this enigma. The exploration of the human mind is the task at hand and it will be a task of primary importance for the foreseeable future.

Consider one evident manifestation of dualism: the act of rational self-interest that ultimately leads to the well-being of all. This is the very essence of the divine economy! As you can see the divine economy must be profound indeed!

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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Profit Motive - Agent Of Continuous Economic Progress.

In the unhampered free market we have individuals, demand and supply, prices, production, and profit and loss all working beautifully to allocate limited resources to meet the unlimited wants as best as possible. Ultimately then, it is the profit motive of the profit seeker that acts upon the market process, stimulating production to increasingly meet the needs of the consumer. Therefore it can be said that the profit motive serves as an agent of continuous economic progress.

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Monday, October 21, 2013

The Fantasies Of Empirical Economists Are Destructive.

Those who are removed from the market and who are out of touch with how production needs to change to meet the demand cannot contribute anything. These are the empirical economists! They assume away the essential characteristics of how demand really operates in the market – that it is intimately tied to subjective valuation. That erroneous fantasy is the starting point of their arbitrary and destructive economic intervention.

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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Why Tolerate The Destruction of Profit - The Prime Generator Of Income?

Since profit is the prime generator of other incomes the destructiveness of monetary economic intervention on interest rates and on both entrepreneurial profit and the purchasing power component of profit have repercussions and reverberations throughout the economy.

Other types of economic intervention (e.g. regulations) also constrain prices or production causing either shortages or surpluses that cannot be remedied by the natural market processes because of the coercive characteristics of the intervention. This is what happens in the unnatural condition of a hampered economy because it is being subjected to this type of political corruption of the economy.

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Monday, October 14, 2013

Know The Three Profit Components.

Profit has three components. The pure interest component is shared alike by production for profit and by other investments earning interest. What is expected for sacrificing present consumption for future consumption is the pure interest component. It is an expression of the natural time preference. No action would be taken if this pure interest component is not present.

The second component is entrepreneurial profit which comes about because the future is unknown. Ex ante estimates for production and price are guesses with a certain amount of entrepreneurial profit potential. Astute entrepreneurial perception may lead to a lessening of the risks taken despite the uncertainty faced. Alertness then to the market reaction – ex post – is mostly where the entrepreneurial profit component is captured. For instance if excess demand is discovered early in the selling period a raising of the price would lead to increased profits making the entrepreneurial component of the profits larger. Of course also, a lack of entrepreneurial perception could lead to losses.
The third profit component is the purchasing power spread. This element is mostly seen nowadays as a phenomenon of monetary intervention which causes the purchasing power of the currency to decrease due to inflating the money supply. A profit margin has to be built into the ex ante price because it takes time before the product reaches the market. Ex post the purchasing power will have declined when there is inflation making real profits significantly less than nominal profits.

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Sunday, October 06, 2013

Production Is Always A Prime Candidate For Investment.

Why take the risk? The margin between the selling price and the per unit cost of a product, the price spread, is enticing as long as it is equal to or greater than other opportunities, such as earnings from investing in financial assets instead of production. Since production is the most basic of all endeavors it is always a prime candidate for investment. Potentially, profits emerge from production.
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