Sunday, January 28, 2007

Divine Economy Theory - Empirical Without Empiricism!

Divine economy theory is not limited; it is not exclusive of logic and theory. Nevertheless, it does find empirical expression in the real world actions by human beings.

Some of the knowledge in divine economy theory comes from experience, information gathered particularly from sensory observation, but that does not mean that the complexity of human beings is condensed into pieces of data - which is what empiricism does. Empiricism is a variant of atheism, as it is used in the social sciences. We've gone down the road of empiricism and it leads to the land of nonsense!

One of the great weaknesses of empiricism is the setting of artificial limitations on the human reality. A simple example will suffice: a photograph of your loved one is more valuable than the chemicals and paper making it up, and it is more valuable than a photograph of the exact same setting taken of people that you do not know. To claim the right to quantify these distinctions is arrogant and erroneous. This great weakness renders empiricism void in the social sciences.

That does not mean that experiences are not real or valid! Empirical information contributes a great deal to our knowledge and provides points of inspiration that advance theory and stimulate our logic.

For instance, if a business owner has a character flaw that is jeopardizing the success of the business, say an uncooperative attitude, and then decides to make changes there will be favorable real world consequences. These are qualitatively measurable. These are documentable and repeatable. Advice can be given to others based on this empirical information.

In this day and age economic science is mostly irrelevant because it is sunk in the atheism and darkness of empiricism.

Divine economy theory is a viable, beautiful, and exciting alternative!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Divine Microeconomy - Occupational Survey Of Valuable Virtues

To begin the process of analysis I have published on my website a brief survey of five questions. According to divine economy theory the source of all value comes from the appearance of the names and attributes of God in goods and services.

To begin: gathering this type of information, that is specific to each occupation and profession, will lead to a greater understanding. When this kind of knowledge, which is the source of value itself, enters into the market process those skills and qualities deemed as most highly valued will inspire further refinement.

Granted this exercise is in an elementary stage and will need to be refined over time. Nevertheless it is important, and unquestionably, it will be a new avenue of research in the future. Such research will yield many marvelous fruits. All of the observations and discoveries made will advance the science of the divine economy.

Friday, January 05, 2007

New Application of the Divine Microeconomy Theory!

Each profession or occupation requires certain skills and qualities. This divine microeconomy blog will occasionally feature a specific profession or occupation, and outline the skills and qualities used to make effective their service rendered.

When this featured series is the blog topic, I will examine the root or radicle of those highly-valued qualities and attributes and pose some questions that may, then, stimulate refinement and perfection. Perhaps this new understanding and these new practices will lead to an increase in wealth and prosperity for the individual providing that service, and subsequently, for all of us.